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Difference between Data Scientist and Data Analyst

Data is everywhere, in the digital universe it will be expanding to 180 zetta-bytes in 2025. It has only recently established to be analyzed to tease out insights that can help organizations increase their business. That’s why more organizations are seeking professionals who can make sense and work on all the data.

Data Science isn’t a rocket science. It is easy enough to become a data scientist. Once after getting to know deeper about data analysis, it is just a matter of practicing newly-found skills well enough to become proficient.

Who is a Data Scientist?

The Data Scientist is considered to be the Rock Stars of the IT. Those are the ones who understand the data from a business perspective. They establish a compact foundation of computer applications, modeling, statistics and math. They always have great communication skills along with brilliance in business.  They have the great problem-solving skills and choose the right problems, which add the value to the organization.

Based on the skill set and work they do, Data Scientists can be categorized into 4 types.

Who is a Data Analyst?

Data Analysts also plays a major role in Big Data and Data Science. They perform a variety of tasks related to collecting, classifying data and obtaining analytical information out of them.  They use the database of the organizations.

Based on the skill set and work they do, Data Analyst can also be categorized into 4 different types

Qualification required for Data Analyst and Data Scientist

Data Analysts

Data Scientists

Roles and Responsibilities of Data Analyst and Data Scientist

Data Analyst Responsibilities

 Data Scientist Responsibilities


The average salary for a Data Analyst is around $62,000 whereas for Data Scientist it would be $117,000. However, despite considering many differences between the job titles, one cannot be successful without the other. There has never been a better time to learn and step into this Data-driven era. You can get started now with the specially curated Big Data and Data Science course by Digital Nest.