13 Free Advertising Strategies for Your Business without Breaking the Bank

13 Free Advertising Strategies

Free Advertising?

Yes, this blog is especially for those small business owners who rely on organic than paid traffic with limited budget.

For SMBs, it’s not really possible to invest huge amount on traditional marketing or $500 on email marketing & paid campaigns, even though they invest you cannot guarantee the results at time and it can be frustrating when you can’t get the results after investing money.

But, your cost can be reduced if you can follow this free advertising tactics by incorporating them into your digital strategy can help you remove nonessential cost and maintain a minimal budget for your campaigns.

Keeping this in mind we have got some methods regardless of your budget which will help your business advertise for free.

Free Advertising Strategies:

  1. Google My Business to Optimize for local search

Google My Business is also called GMB in short is one of the most reliable tools for search engine optimizers to advertise for free and rank their website on top of local search results.

GMB gives you good business in terms of getting visitors to your website or customer calling you for information and location details when your business is on top of local search.

If you rank high on local search customers will show more interest at your business over your other competitors.

  1. Write for Us Guest blogs

Instead of writing blogs for your own website it’s better you write it for other blogs which have high domain authority this will not only increase your target audience but you can also establish as a thought leader in the industry.

When you write content for other blogs you can link back to your own blog which acts as a backlink technique to boost your blog authority, but don’t make it look spam.

  1. Be active on Quora Q&A

Being active on Quora in the sense writing answers & asking questions will give you large traffic and more views than you expected.

Quora is one such platform where people look for answers for valid questions if they find it valuable they will not only upvote your answer but will also ask you the questions again & again.

You can become a good author by writing content of your own words and establishing yourself as an expert in the subject that matters the most in your industry.

  1. Content Publishing on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is popularly used by B2B & B2C professionals who share content with valuable information, career objectives, Job descriptions, Company updates, Implementations, Advices, Videos and more.

LinkedIn content publishing platform helps to demonstrate your expertise within your industry. The content you write on LinkedIn will be viewed across your connections and will be public so what ever you write will be shared and promoted for free giving you extra boost in traffic leading to your website.

  1. Advantage of Email Signature

Email Signature can act as a promotional property for your email if you add your website link to your email signature.

Every day you might be sending mails with promotional content which includes contest, sales, event and a blog post but if you are not taking advantage of your email signature without including a link to your website then you are losing clicks and traffic.

  1. Sending Email Newsletters

Email Newsletters act as sharing updated news with your potential customers either it could be your blog content, business news or case studies, sending newsletters every week depending upon your time management will establish your brand identity to another level.

  1. Speaker at an Event

Public speaking about your business or brand is another major aspect which many of the companies loved to do it because it not only spreads across the event but word of mouth marketing brings you more advantage.

A good speech related to your industry topic will bring more attention to you, which certainly increases brand awareness and brings you more customers.

To become a speaker, participate in various events and webinars happening around you and get connected with various associations to start off with an introduction about your business.

  1. Giveaways

For a startup who want to become a brand should start running free contest and product giveaways in order to attract more customers to your brand it’s a kind of incentive to new viewers doing this will make them happy and they will start following your brand. In addition to the offers you can also do branding by giving T shirts, Mugs, Calendars, Bags, and Vouchers to your customers to spread your brand identity and word of mouth can go long way.

  1. Brochures and Flyers

Creating brochures and flyers depends on your industry, suppose if you are a training company then it’s a must to have these pieces of content on your desk, you can handout brochures to students who come for counselling at your office. This brochures and flyers visually convey the message about what services you provide.

  1. YouTube Videos

Creating engaging videos on YouTube is far better than writing a piece of content, according to the stats YouTube has more than a billion active users out of which 59% of the decision makers prefer watching videos than written content.

Again, it depends on which industry you run for example If you are an educational institution you should be creating videos which are problem solving, educating and dictating for the students which help them understand the subject and gain knowledge. If your videos speak then chances are that people may subscribe to your YouTube channel which is jackpot.

  1. Partnerships

Either it can be your friend or a colleague who are running a company you need to do partnerships with each other for your mutual help and coordination. Suppose your partner runs a web design company and you run a SEO company and if your partner needs SEO services then you can help him by offering this service, and in return he will help your business by bringing customers to your company who are looking for these services you offer.

  1. Social Media

If you want to advertise your business for free then social media is one such platform where you can make full use of the resources you can post or tweet about your brand showcase your brands identity increase followers to your business with free of cost.

Again, choosing a right platform for a business is vital not all social platforms may work for your business. Once you have chosen a right platform then you can start sharing content, videos, links, and images about your brand, you can also create stories on Facebook or Instagram about your recent business updates. You can also start a live video using popular hashtags with encouraging headlines.

  1. Reviews

Trust is an important factor for any business to sustain in the market. Making a customer happy is the most prior than any other. If you have happy customers, encourage them to write a review for your business about their experience on platforms you manage like Google (GMB), Facebook and other local listings.

Review is a first eye of contact for any customers he or she prefers to read the reviews on Google about a brand based on those reviews written by other customers the decision will be made.

Having good reviews on Google My Business or Facebook Business page about your business pages is a positive sign it will make a big impact on your business. Being active on local listings is very much important to keep your user up to date. Also, don’t forget about SEO, work on some free SEO strategies which can help your website rank higher in search results.


Shiva Charan

Hi, I'm Shiva Charan. Writing a piece of content is a passion for me and I do it regularly when I get a chance. I have learned this art when I started my career as a Digital Marketer past 5 years ago, I used to read blog articles and used to understand the way authors write each sentence. My subject matter experience in Digital Marketing has made me write blog articles for Digital Nest as a lead writer, I hope you love them reading as well.


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