MBA Equivalent

Post Graduate Program InDigital Marketing & Generative AI

  4.8 Rating | 11 Months | 1000+ Enrolments

Supercharge your career in Digital Marketing with our 8 month Post Graduate Program coupled with a 3 month paid internship

  • Scholarship Deadline: 27th July 2024
  • Won Award By Times Group For Digital Marketing Program



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  • MBA Equivalent
  • Job Guarantee Program

Post Graduate Programin Digital Marketing & Generative AI

  4.8 Rating | 11 Months | 1000+ Enrolments

Supercharge your career in Digital Marketing with our 8 month Post Graduate Program coupled with a 3 month paid internship

  • Scholarship Deadline: 27th July 2024
  • Won Award By Times Group For Digital Marketing Program



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11 Months



Course Enrolments


Job Guarantee


Hiring Partners


Assured Interviews

11 Months



Course Enrolments


Job Guarantee


Hiring Partners


Assured Interviews

Program Highlights

Digital Nest established in 2012 , has rich experience in designing the curriculum that industry is in need. Entire program is taught by using various case studies , assignments and assessments

  • Curriculum Designed & Taught By IIM, MICA Alumni
  • 1 on 1 Student Mentorship
  • Practical Training using case studies
  • Network With Alumni Using Our Portal
  • 100% Job & Internship Guarantee Program
  • Work On Real Time Projects
  • Get 21+ Certifications From Google, Bing, Meta Etc
  • Dedicated Career Assistance Team
  • 0% EMI Option Available with Loan Partners
  • Life Time Access To LMS Portal
  • Access to Boot Camps, Webinars & Events
  • Training by Entrepreneurs & Industry Experts
  • Assignments & Assessments

Apply Today



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Program Highlights

Digital Nest established in 2012 , has rich experience in designing the curriculum that industry is in need. Entire program is taught by using various case studies , assignments and assessments

  • Curriculum Designed & Taught By IIM, MICA Alumni
  • 1 on 1 Student Mentorship
  • Practical Training using case studies
  • Network With Alumni Using Our Portal
  • 100% Job & Internship Guarantee Program
  • Work On Real Time Projects
  • Get 21+ Certifications From Google, Bing, Meta Etc
  • Dedicated Career Assistance Team
  • 0% EMI Option Available with Loan Partners
  • Life Time Access To LMS Portal
  • Access to Boot Camps, Webinars & Events
  • Training by Entrepreneurs & Industry Experts
  • Assignments & Assessments

Overview Curriculum  |  Faculty  |  Tools  |   Certification  |  Admission Process  |  Reviews  |  FAQs



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Next Gen

Digital Marketing + AI Curriculum

Top notch and up-to-date curriculum taught by renowned professors and industry experts using videos, case studies, hands-on projects and live sessions

  • 100 Credits
  • 250 Hours
  • 80+ Case Studies
  • m180+ Tools
  • 45 Capstone Projects

Trimester – 1

  • 6 Credits
  • 80+ Hours
  • 15+ Case Studies
  • m60+ Tools
  • 17 Capstone Projects
Module 1 - Marketing Transformation-Traditional to Digital



Principles and Techniques of Traditional Marketing

  • How digital marketing took over traditional marketing
  • How digital marketing is helping brands to leverage its business
  • Exploring various digital marketing channels


Understanding Four P’s and Four C’s in Marketing by Philip Kotler

  • Porter Five Forces, SWOT Analysis and PESTEL Analysis
  • STP Analysis-Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
  • Setting SMART Goals, OKR’s and BHAG-Big Hairy Audacious Goals
  • Digital Marketing Integration

Case Studies:

Module 2 - Visual Communication using Graphics and Videos



Visual Storytelling

  • Learning the art of typography in visual design
  • Understanding the science of Colorplay in attracting the digital audience
  • Creating Engaging Visual Content for Digital Platforms

Cinematic Techniques for Impactful Videos

  • Crafting a marvelous video script for a business brand
  • Set up a green screen studio for attractive and engaging video shoots.
  • Learn best practices for filming, framing, lighting consistency

Art of Visual Editing and Production

  • Converting the raw videos to stunning reels and professional shorts using Video Editing software
  • Explore basic editing techniques such as cutting, trimming, and merging video clips

Case Studies:

Module 3 - Advanced Web Design: Design, Usability, and Performance




  • Learn the art of creating a powerful Lead Gen website
  • Create a dynamic D2C e-commerce website for Digital Sales
  • Create a blog and turning into a Monetization engine with Content marketing


  • Learn how to write engaging blog posts
  • How to Integrate e-commerce with tools for maximum sales
  • How to build a network of sales through Affiliate Marketing


  • Learn how to Track your landing page performance, heatmaps and user behaviour flow
  • Get to know how to make data driven business decisions with acquisition and A/B testing

Case Studies:


Module 4 - Mastering the Art of Social Media Marketing



From Novice to Master – Unlock the Secrets of FACEBOOK Engagement

  • Crafting Irresistible Facebook Posts that Spark Conversations.
  • Demystify Facebook’s algorithm and optimize your content for maximum reach.
  • Master group management techniques, foster interaction, and cultivate a thriving online community.

Rise to the Top and Trend Like a Pro with X(Ex-Twitter)

  • Engage in real-time conversations by leveraging trending hashtags and topics.
  • Utilize Twitter Lists to segment and engage with relevant audiences.
  • Use Twitter Analytics to track performance and optimize content strategy.

 From Script to Success – Build Your Video Empire with Youtube marketing

  • Create engaging and SEO-optimized video content to attract subscribers and viewers.
  • Utilize YouTube Analytics to understand audience demographics and preferences.
  • Collaborate with other YouTubers or influencers for cross-promotion and increased visibility

Pin Your Way to Brand Domination with Pinterest

  • Design eye-catching Pins with compelling visuals and informative descriptions.
  • Utilize Pinterest Boards to curate content around specific themes or interests.
  • Utilize Pinterest Analytics to track Pin performance and optimize strategy.

Supercharge Your Social workflows with Social Media Automation tools

  • Manage multiple social media accounts from a single platform.
  • Schedule posts in advance using tools like Buffer, Zoho Social, or Hootsuite to maintain consistent presence.
  • Automate repetitive tasks such as responding to common inquiries or sharing curated content

Social media listening tools to interact and engage with your digital customers

  • Monitor how people talk about your brand and address both positive and negative feedback.
  • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the impact of your social media efforts.

Case Studies:


Module 5 - Content Marketing


Demystifying Your Audience:

  • Unmask your ideal customer: Develop buyer personas for in-depth understanding.
  • Map their journey: Guide them through awareness, consideration, and conversion stages with tailored content

Content Creation

Demystifying Your Audience:

  • Unmask your ideal customer: Develop buyer personas for in-depth understanding.
  • Map their journey: Guide them through awareness, consideration, and conversion stages with tailored content.

Content Creation Powerhouse:

  • Captivate with stories: Use emotional hooks, characters, and conflicts to connect.
  • Variety is the spice: Utilize diverse formats like blogs, infographics, videos, and quizzes.
  • Unleash SEO power: Optimize content for relevant keywords to boost visibility.

The Art of Content Distribution:

  • Social media mastery: Reach new audiences and engage with community-building.
  • Email marketing magic: Nurture leads, share content, and drive conversions through personalization.
  • Repurpose and maximize: Stretch your content’s reach across different formats and platforms.

Measuring Success & Adapting:

  • Data-driven ally: Track key metrics like website traffic, engagement, and lead generation.
  • A/B testing refines: Experiment with headlines, visuals, and calls to action to optimize performance.
  • Embrace continuous learning: Stay updated, experiment, and adapt based on data to achieve lasting success.


Trimester – 2

  • 26 Credits
  • 80+ Hours
  • 10+ Case Studies
  • m40+ Tools
  • 12 Capstone Projects
Module 6 - Performance Marketing



Google Ads: Mastering the Search & Display Landscape

  • Research & target high-intent keywords
  • Create high-quality banner ads
  • Create emotionally engaging
  • Youtube ads that showcase your brand and offerings.
  • Retarget website visitors with personalized product or service

Facebook Ads: Social Media Engagement & Targeting

  • Utilize Facebook’s powerful targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Utilize captivating images, videos, and carousels to grab attention and drive engagement.
  • Continuously test different ad formats, creatives, and targeting strategies to optimize performance.

Twitter Ads: Trending Topics & Real-Time Engagement

  • Get Hands-on expertise with Twitter ads to elevate your brand story

OTT Ads: Captivate Cord-Cutters and Streamers

  • Create engaging ads on OTT Platforms
  • Explore interactive ad formats
  • Track ad performance with advanced metrics

Quora Ads: Engage Curious Minds

  • Target users actively searching for specific topics relevant to your product or service.
  • Promote informative and helpful answers directly within relevant Quora threads.

Mobile Marketing: Reach Users Wherever They Are

  • Ensure seamless user experience across mobile websites and apps.
  • Deliver relevant ads based on user location and real-time behavior.

Case Studies:


Module 7 - B2B Marketing - ABM Marketing



Shine Brighter Than the Rest with Expert Strategies in Linkedin

  • Optimize LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords and a professional headshot
  • Leverage LinkedIn’s job search and recruiting features to explore new career opportunities
  • Utilize LinkedIn Pulse to publish long-form content

LinkedIn Ads: B2B Targeting & Lead Generation Prowess

  • Target specific companies and job titles to reach ideal B2B decision-makers.
  • Utilize forms and lead capture features to collect valuable contact information.

ABM ( Account Based Marketing )

  • Setting up Framework for Acquiring and retaining clients
  • Learn strategies and tools on how to leverage the business using ABM

Lead Gen Tools :

  • How to use data ming tools to do market research 
  • Working on different data scrapping tools and setting up drip marketing


Module 8 - Gen Z Marketing



Become a Social Butterfly: The Influencer’s Guide to Instagram

  • Craft visually stunning and cohesive Instagram feed to attract and retain followers.
  • Utilize Instagram Stories and Reels for authentic and interactive content.
  • Collaborate with influencers to expand reach and credibility

Snapchat Ads: Reach Gen Z and Beyond

  • Create short, visually engaging ads that disappear after viewing.
  • Target ads based on location, interests, and even specific lenses used by users.

Podcast Marketing 

Spotify Ads 

Live streaming OBS Studio

Content Gamification


Module 9 - E-Commerce Marketing



Elevate your Product Selling through a digital shop with woocommerce

  • Set up a fully functional online store using WooCommerce, including product listings, categories, and pricing
  • Integrate Razorpay payment gateway to offer secure and convenient payment options to customers.
  • Customize checkout processes, shipping options, and tax settings

Google Shopping: Dominate Search Results

  • Master Merchant Centre
  • Leverage smart bidding to maximize return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • Utilize product targeting, remarketing lists, and custom audiences for laser-focused reach.

Facebook Catalog Ads: Showcase Visual Appeal

  • Master Commerce Manager
  • Utilize high-quality images and videos to grab attention and showcase products.
  • Leverage Facebook’s powerful targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Module 10 - Marketing Automations



Transforming Subscribers into Engaged Fans using Email Marketing

  • Craft targeted messages based on user preferences and behavior.

  • Leverage automation for welcome series and nurture campaigns,

  • Experiment with subject lines, calls to action, and email design for optimal impact.

WhatsApp Automation: Conversational Marketing on the Go

  • Utilize chatbots for personalized communication and lead generation.

  • Send promotional messages based on user actions or product interest.

  • Offer real-time support and build trust through quick responses.

SMS & Push Notifications: The Direct Line to Conversions

  • Craft short, impactful messages with clear calls to action.
  • Schedule notifications for optimal engagement
  • Address users by name and tailor messages to their interests.

Drip Marketing: Nurturing Leads to Bloom

  • Create automated email sequences based on user lifecycle stages.
  • Deliver educational and engaging content that fosters trust and interest.
  • Continuously monitor performance and personalize campaigns for better results.


  • Utilize Zapier to connect different marketing tools and automate complex workflows for seamless conversion efforts.
Module 11 - Influencer and Affiliate marketing



Affiliate Marketing: Partnering for Profit

  • Align with affiliates who share your target audience and brand values.
  • Monitor conversions and optimize offers based on data insights
  • Foster strong connections with affiliates for long-term success.

Trimester – 3

  • 34 Credits
  • 80+ Hours
  • 15+ Case Studies
  • m51+ Tools
  • 15 Capstone Projects
Module 12 - Search Engine Optimization



On-Page SEO: Crafting Compelling Content that Resonates

  • Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant search terms
  • Create high-quality, informative, and value-driven content that exceeds user expectations.
  • Structure your content for clear readability with subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs

Off-Page SEO: Earning Trust and Authority through Backlinks

  • Prioritize quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites within your niche.
  • Contribute high-value guest articles to reputable websites related to your field
  • Utilize social media and online branding efforts to encourage organic brand mentions

Tech SEO: Laying the Foundation for Search Engine Crawlability and Indexing

  • Configure your robots.txt file to guide search engines on which pages to crawl and index
  •  Implement measures to accelerate website loading times
  • Implement schema markup to provide search engines with richer information
  • Ensure your website adheres to Google’s mobile-first indexing best practices

Local SEO: Reaching Customers in Your Geographic Area

  • Claim and complete your Google My Business listing
  • Create content tailored to local search queries
  • Incorporate relevant location signals throughout your website

Case Studies:


Module 13 - Conversion Rate Optimization



Funnel Creation: Charting the Path to Conversion

  • Clearly define your desired conversion action (purchase, signup, etc.).
  • Identify key touchpoints and optimize each step for seamless flow.

Landing Page Creation & Testing

  • Formulate hypotheses about what converts better, test variations, and iterate based on results.
  • Test headlines, value propositions, call to action buttons, and imagery for maximum impact.

Heatmaps & User Behavior: See What They See

  • Use heatmaps to understand where users focus and identify improvement opportunities.
  • See how far users scroll and which elements capture their attention.
Module 14 - Generative AI for Next-Level Digital Marketing



Introduction to ChatGPT:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of natural language processing (NLP) and conversational AI
  • Exploring the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT

Building Conversational Agents with ChatGPT:

  • Designing conversational flows and user interactions
  • Implementing ChatGPT in chatbots, virtual assistants, and customer support systems

Generating Creative Content

  • Using ChatGPT for content ideation and generation
  • Crafting engaging narratives, articles, and marketing copy with ChatGPT

Image Generation: Paint a Thousand Words with AI

  • Generate unique product images for each user based on preferences or demographics.
  • Create fresh visuals for each ad campaign, optimizing for different platforms and audiences.
  • Craft eye-catching hero images that align with your content and brand style.

Video Generation: Tell Compelling Stories in Minutes

  • Use AI to generate explainer videos for products, services, or complex concepts.
  • Personalize video ads with dynamic elements like names, locations, or product recommendations.
  • Create engaging short videos for social media platforms using AI-generated footage and narration.

Ad Copies: Craft Click-Worthy Ads with AI

  • Generate multiple variations of ad copy
  • Personalize ad copy with user data or interests for targeted messaging.
  • Use AI to adapt ad copy for different regions or languages.

Copywriting: Go Beyond Creativity with AI

  • Generate blog post ideas and captivating introductions to grab attention.
  • Create unique and engaging product descriptions that highlight features and benefits.
  • Generate personalized email copy for different segments of your audience.
Module 15 - Data Analytics for Business



Google Analytics for Business

  • Monitor website traffic, sources, user engagement, and conversions to gauge performance.
  • Analyze data by demographics, interests, and behavior to identify key user segments.

Google Search Console: Climbing the SERP Ladder

  • Fix technical issues preventing search engines from indexing your website effectively.
  • See which keywords drive traffic and optimize content for better ranking.
  • Ensure your website offers a seamless experience on all devices.

Google Tag Manager: Tagging Mastery Without Coding

  • Manage all your website and app tracking tags without touching code.
  • Track specific user actions for deeper insights.
  • Test different website elements to see what drives better results.

Google Data studio :

  • Integrate Data streams using google data studio
  • learn how to track and measure the results using google data studio
Module 16 - Digital Entrepreneurship



Setting Up Freelancing and Agencies:

  • Defining Your Path – Freelancer , Agency or starting own business
  • Niche & Value Proposition
  • Client Acquisition & Project Management
  • Learn Blue print startegies
  • Scaling & Growth – Building a succesfull brand
  • Reporting and budgeting
Module 17 - Reporting & Budgeting



Mastering Reporting in Digital Marketing

  • Understand how to create client-facing reports that demonstrate campaign value
  • Learn how to share reports effectively with internal teams and collaborate on data-driven strategies. 
  • Utilize charts and graphs to present data in an easily digestible format.
  • Provide concrete recommendations for improvements or future campaigns.

Budgeting Digital Marketing Services: 

  • Explore different pricing models used by digital marketing agencies
  • Freelancers (hourly rates, retainers, performance-based pricing).
  • Learn various approaches to allocating budget across different channels
  • Master techniques to estimate costs for specific services like SEO, PPC campaigns, and social media management.
  • Leverage past campaign data to understand cost-effectiveness and predict future performance.
  • Explore digital marketing budgeting tools and platforms to streamline the campaigns
  • Practice developing comprehensive and realistic proposals for different scenarios.
  • Learn negotiation techniques to secure optimal pricing for digital marketing services
Module 19 - Building Own Portfolio - Softskill Program


  • Resume building
  • Soft skill Training 
  • Building Own Portfolio Page
  • Mock Interviews
  • Project Evaluation 






  • 34 Credits
  • 80+ Hours
Module 20 - Elective 1



SEO & Content Marketing (Organic Growth)

3-month internship as an integral part of the elective

Real-world project experience

SEO : ( Organic )

  • Conduct an SEO audit for a real website and propose improvement strategies.
  • Develop a content calendar and create optimized content pieces for a specific audience.
  • Analyze website traffic data and recommend content optimizations for better engagement.
  • Cover keyword research strategies, on-page optimization techniques, and link building methods.

Content Marketing:

  1. Target & Research:

    • Choose a local business that sparks your interest.
    • Deep-dive into their target audience and competitors.
    • Develop buyer personas to understand their needs.
  2. Content Audit & Plan:

    • Assess their existing content strengths and weaknesses.
    • Identify content gaps for improvement.
    • Define campaign goals (e.g., 20% website traffic increase) and craft a content calendar.
  3. Create & Distribute:

    • Generate engaging content aligned with audience personas and brand voice.
    • Craft blog posts, videos, social media content, and more.
    • Leverage SEO best practices for search engine visibility.
    • Publish on their website, social media, and relevant online communities.
  4. Monitor & Optimize:

    • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic and engagement.
    • Analyze data to identify what resonates with their audience.
    • Refine your content strategy and tactics based on insights.
  5. Report & Reflect:

    • Create a report summarizing goals, strategy, execution, and key findings.
    • Showcase results and impact on the business.
    • Present your findings and recommendations to stakeholders.


Module 21 - Elective 2



Paid Advertising (Major Platforms)

  • 2-month internship as an integral part of the elective
  • Real-world project experience

Media Planning & Buying

  • Run a paid advertising campaign for a business on a chosen platform.
  • Develop and test different ad variations to optimize campaign performance.
  • Analyze campaign data and report on key metrics and return on investment (ROI).

Program Benefits

  • 250+ Learning Hours
  • 100% Placement Assurance
  • Tools worth Rs.2,00,000/- for free
  • Get Scholarships upto Rs.20,000/-
  • Dedicated Career Assistance team
  • Get trained from Industry Experts
  • Get 21+ Certifications

Hands On

Case Studies and Projects

Get hands on casestudies & projects from NETFLIX | McDONALD’S | UBER | AIRBNB | WHO | SPOTIFY | ZOMATO | FORBES

Market Research for Sugar Cosmetics

Conduct comprehensive market research for Sugar Cosmetics, a popular Indian makeup brand & and assess market trends to inform strategic decision-making for Sugar's future growth.

Blinkit Video Ad Creatives

Create a visually engaging video Ad showcasing Blinkit's speedy delivery service. Use transitions, time-lapses, and upbeat music to highlight the convenience and efficiency of their app.

Replicating RazorPay Website

Design and develop a replica of the Razorpay Home Page, incorporating maximum possible features and a user-friendly experience.

Nykaa Inspired E-com Website

Design and develop a user-friendly, visually appealing e-commerce website similar to Nykaa. This includes product listings, & payment gateways

SEO Optimization for PolicyBazar

Develop and implement an SEO strategy to increase organic website traffic and improve brand visibility for PolicyBazar's target audience

Google Ad for Acko

Increase qualified leads and brand awareness for Acko Car Insurance through strategically targeted Google Ads campaigns.

Zomato Case Study

Learn how Zomato used push notifications in drip marketing to create interest among its customers

ICICI Case Study

Learn how ICICI Bank used LinkedIn Ads to promote its various financial products and services to business professionals and decision-makers.

Decathlon Case Study

Learn how Decathlon used Google shopping ads to increase its online sales

Lenskart Case Study

How Lenskart introduced virtual try-ons to mitigate uncertainty in eyewear purchases.

Faculty & Mentors

Master digital marketing from Learn seasoned professionals who bring real-world insights and hands-on experience to every session

Earn 21

Certifications & Badges

Boost your Career by adding 21 + Certifications on your resume from Global certifying partners like Google, Meta, Hubspot,etc.

Disclaimer : One should qualify in the assessment conducted by the certifying partners

Get individual certificates for every module from Digital Nest and get a final copy of profiencieny certificate

Digital Nest Advantage

Have a Great Journey of Learning at Digital Nest

Our Courses are taught by Real time Industry Experts with latest teaching tools and techniques ,Our LMS and dedicated Support manager are Key Important aspects that make learning easy and simple.



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Interactive Learning

All the Courses taught by us are Interactive , with Limited strength in a batch we make sure that you get the best experience

Dedicated Placement Officer & Job Portal

We conduct Mock Interviews and Screen CV’s to make you industry ready. We have a unique job portal disclosing all the job listings posted by the recruiter

Network with Alumni

Digital Nest has over 6000+ alumnus working with various Organizations. We have a Networking app to connect with the alumni as well

Dedicated Program Manager

We have a dedicated Program Manager who will Constantly take feedback, for the Students to have a better learning experience

World Class Learning Management System

Digital Nest has built a Software for students to learn using LMS. Students can download material and freely access all the  live and Recorded sessions with no hassle

Case Studies, Material , Assignments & Assessments

All our courses are not just Theoretical, We teach using Practical methods such as  Simulation Exercises, Projects, Assessments etc

Tools You Will Master

Advanced digital marketing tools used by digital marketing experts

Master 100+ Powerful

Digital Marketing Tools

Learn Digital Marketing Program by working on cutting edge tools used by experts in real-time. Gain hands on experience by working on tools that transform strategies and measurable results.

Next Gen

AI Tools

Admission Process

The admission process for Post Graduation Program In Digital Marketing can be completed in 4 easy steps detailed below.

Step 1

Submit Application

Fill the application with education and work experience. Our admissions team will review and get in touch

Step 2

Apply For Scholarship

Upon qualifying for scholarship, you will receieve an email with scholarship amount and admission form

Step 3

Personal Interview

Based on the scholarship form, our team will take a personal interview after which you will receive an admission letter

Step 4

Reserve Your Seat

Block your seat by paying Rs.20,000/- by the date mentioned on your admission letter and start your program


Get Tools Worth

Rs. 2,00,000/-

View Tools

Program Fee

We promise you that every penny you spend on your program will give you growth and will act as a catalyst in your career. Flexible EMI Options with scholarships

Starting at

INR 6,776/ Month

Totally INR 1,50,000/- + 18% GST 

View EMI Plans

Loan Amount: ₹ 1,50,000 + 18% GST

Admission Fees (payable on enrolment): ₹ 20,000/-

Tenure (Monthly) Processing Fee EMI
24 2% 6776
15 2% 13200
12 2% 16500
10 2% 19800
7 2% 28200


  1. A processing fee will be charged on the basis of the payment method selected.
  2. Rate of interest for Standard EMI Plans is mentioned as per the 12 Months Reducing Rate per annum. The final EMI amount & rate of interest will reflect in the agreement of the credit facility provider.

Total Fee Payment

One Down Payment
Admission Fee Rs. 20,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
One Down Payment Rs. 158,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
Total Fee Rs. 1,78,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
Installment Options
Admission Fee Rs. 20,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
1st Installment Rs. 80,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
2nd Installment (Within 30 days) Rs. 98,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
Total Fee Rs. 1,98,000/-(Incl. Taxes)

Education Loan Partners

Program Benefits

  • Only Company in India offering 250+ hours of Content
  • 100% Placement Assurance
  • Get Bonus tools worth Rs.2,00,000/- for free
  • Dedicated Career Assistance team
  • Get trained from Industry Experts
  • Get 21+ Certifications from Global Certifying Partners !

Other Payment Options

Program Fee

We promise you that every penny you spend on your program will give you growth and will act as a catalyst in your career. Flexible EMI Options with scholarships

Starting at

INR 6,776/ Month

Total INR 1,50,000/- (Excl. of taxes)

View EMI Plans

Loan Amount: ₹ 1,50,000 + 18% GST

Admission Fees (payable on enrolment): ₹ 20,000/-

Tenure (Monthly) Processing Fee EMI
24 2% 6776
15 2% 13200
12 2% 16500
10 2% 19800
7 2% 28200


  1. A processing fee will be charged on the basis of the payment method selected.
  2. Rate of interest for Standard EMI Plans is mentioned as per the 12 Months Reducing Rate per annum. The final EMI amount & rate of interest will reflect in the agreement of the credit facility provider.

Total Fee Payment

One Down Payment
Admission Fee Rs. 20,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
One Down Payment Rs. 158,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
Total Fee Rs. 1,78,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
Installment Options
Admission Fee Rs. 20,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
1st Installment Rs. 80,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
2nd Installment (Within 30 days) Rs. 98,000/-(Incl. Taxes)
Total Fee Rs. 1,98,000/-(Incl. Taxes)

Education Loan Partners

Get PGP in Digital Marketing Certification From JainX

Become a certified Digital Marketing Professional and learn one of employer’s most requested skills of 2024

Placements Support

Get assured job opportunities from top companies with our pre-placement training program

Career Guidance

Mock Interviews

Resume Building

Soft Skill Training

Mentorship Sessions

150+ Placement Partners

100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee!

Get 100% money back incase you’re not getting placed
with one of our placement partner within 6 months after successful completion of the program 

Sandeep Santhosham, CEO

100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee!

Get 100% money back incase you’re not getting placed
with one of our placement partner within 6 months after successful completion of the program 

Sandeep Santhosham, CEO

What support you’ll get from Digital Nest?

Career Support Team

Our career support team at Digital Nest conducts

• A comprehensive SWOT analysis for learners

• Assists in crafting resumes and optimizing LinkedIn profiles

• Provides training in soft skills and personality development

• Facilitates group discussions, JAM sessions, and conducts personal interviews

Mentorship Support Team

• Receive personalized mentoring from seasoned industry experts

• Get tailored feedback to help you reach your goals

• Gain access to industry professionals for discussions and clarifications before your interviews

• Participate in group sessions led by industry experts, enhancing the program curriculum with specialized industry-focused learning.

Dedicated Program Manager

• Get access to dedicated student support for non-academic queries

• Receive personalized assistance from a program manager throughout your program, who will help you set and track your goals

• They will provide coaching on your profile, and support you throughout your journey

Activity Oriented Learning 

At Digital Nest, we offer a unique learning experience for our candidates. Join us and discover the power of learning at Digital Nest!

MBA In Digital Marketing Curriculum

Post Graduate Programme In Digital Marketing syllabus is designed by Subject Matter Experts and Business Owners

Students turned into

Business Owners

Digital Nest’s Digital Marketing Program Accelerates dreams of starting own startup or an agency

Our Students Hail From

Students , Working Professionals & Business Owners From Various Start Ups And MNC’s

Our Trainees hail From

Students , Working Professionals & Business Owners From Various Start Ups And MNC’s

Sruthi Alexander
Marketing Manager
Vimal Andrew
Social Media Analyst
Vyshnavi Vinjamuri
Process Executive
Ishita Singh
Institutional Sales
Niythi Rao
Content & Product Manager
Laxmi Pawar
Account Manager
Danial Sandeep
Branding Strategist
Solanki Dey
Social Media Manager

We Don’t Say We are the Best But Our Students Do

Check out the testimonials below
avg 4.8 star rating from 800+ Reviews

I was working as a software engineer I was passionate about marketing while I was searching for courses I have landed at Digital Nest , Today I am proud to say I have started my own agency. The instructors here are awesome. I would highly recommened any one who is intersted to join digital nest .

Nidhi Pandey | Digital Marketing Trainee

Team Lead , Tech Mahindra

In one word i would say ” Sandeep is Magnificent” excellent training , he goes through each and every topic in detail and always availble to clarify our doubts . If you want to make career in digital marketing then go for Digital Nest ! No looking back you will rock

Harry | Digital Marketing Trainee

Branding Manager, Century Mattress

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PGPDM Details


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    What is the Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing?

    Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing is a 11 month course curated for working professionals and freshers to gain deep knowledge and build a career in Digital Marketing

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    What is the eligibility criteria for this program?

    Eligibility 1
    Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3/4) or equivalent qualification in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum 55% score.


    Eligibility 2
    Students who have appeared for their final year degree examination can also apply, however, their admission will be provisional and will be confirmed only after producing the results.

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    Will I get any certificate after completion of the program?

    You will be granted Post Graduate Program In Digital Marketing Certificate from Jain University, Bangalore.

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    What is the duration of this program?

    Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing is a 11 months course with 10+ hours of training per week. Classes will be held from Monday-Thursday

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    Will there be placements at the end of the program?

    We will be providing placement assurance upon successful completion of the course. We have a job portal specially designed for placements. Candidates will be shown job openings in MNC’s and Startup’s for the roles such as Digital Marketing Lead, Digital Marketing Analyst, Digital Marketing Executive, Social Media Marketing Manager, Social Media Marketing Head, Project Manager, Digital Marketing Manager, PPC Analyst, Inbound Marketing Manager, Inbound Marketing Lead, Copy Writer, Content Writer, Blogging Specialist, Email Marketing Lead, SEO Specialist, Analytics Manager, Lead Generation Expert, SEO Analyst

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    Will I get any real-time projects from the program?

    Yes, you will be provided with a 3 month internship by Digital Nest

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    Will I be evaluated during the program?

    There will be continuous evaluation throughout the course. Evaluation will be done through assignments, quizzes, case studies, projects, etc

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    Who will be the faculty for this program?

    in Digital Marketing Post graduate Program you will be Mentored by CEO’s and CMO’s from top- notch companies, Guest lecturers from high ranked B schools, Senior managers from Multi national companies


PGPDM Guidance & Support


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    Will I get any career guidance after the course?

    Mentoring and guidance from Industry leading experts & trainers in Digital Marketing will be given on how to build a resume. Career counselling will be given to find out the best career paths in Digital Marketing. Interview preparation like mock interview sessions will be given to you during the end of the course.

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    How will my doubts be cleared?

    The Digital Marketing trainer will be physically present during the class, where doubts can be cleared during the session. Doubt clearing sessions will also be held every week.

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    Will I get any back up classes if I miss any session?

    We have a unique Learning Management System where every candidate can check the back-up classes if they miss out on any session. You can also check the assignments, materials and links in the app.

PGPDM Admission Process & Fee Related Queries


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    What is the Admission Process for this program?

    Step 1: Application submission
    Check your eligibility, pay the fees for the Digital Nest Admissions Test, and fill in the application form in detail and take the Admissions Test. The test is designed to assess creativity, aptitude, communication, acumen, general knowledge to gauge the applicant’s vision & interest in Digital Marketing.

    Step 2: Application review
    All applications are thoroughly reviewed by the admissions committee. Shortlisted students will be called for a personal interview during which they can present their portfolios.

    Step 3: Personal Interview
    Each shortlisted applicant will be personally interviewed by the admissions committee. Qualified applicants will receive a letter confirming the admission to the Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing

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    Should I have any minimum percentage to get enrolled in this program?

    Applicants should have minimum 55% aggregate from a recognized University.

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    What is the fee structure for this program?

    Application Fee : INR 1,000 /-

    Admission Fee : INR 20,000/-

    Tuition Fee : INR 1,00,000/-

    Examination & Certification  Fee: INR 30,000/-

    Total Fee :

    Post Graduate Programme in Digital Marketing: INR 1,50,000 + Taxes
    No cost EMI’s available from Rs. 6,999/month

    Education Loan :  Education Loan In Partnership with Propelled 

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    Can I pay through Credit Card EMI?

    Yes, our payment gateway partner is Razopray, All the leading banks can avail the credit card EMI option with no hassle

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    Is there any refund policy for this program?

    Yes we do, Please refer the link below for more details on the same

    Refund And Cancellation Policy

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