Best Digital Marketing Tips for Startups

Digital marketing is the most cost effective and efficient technique which actually gives results and digital marketing delivers conversion. Start-ups will highly benefit if they invest in Digital marketing because it helps generate higher conversion rates which in turn result in greater profits.

The main question will always be: Which digital marketing tips and tricks actually work? Don’t worry we have got the answer to your question. Here are the best digital marketing tips for startups:

  • Be active on social media:

It is estimated that in 2019 there will be about 2.77 billion social media users. Social media is the best platform to reach an audience and interact with them. Presence on social media can only help start-ups market and advertise their company, they can also interact with the audience and answer their queries. They can build a good reputation online by being active on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, snapchat, Linkedin and so on. (Source: Digital agency network)

Tips for startups, digital marketing tips, guidance for startups,

  • Search Engine Optimisation:

If you rank top on the search engine result page, there are higher chances of reaching a greater audience and later converting them into clients/customers. Search engine optimization involves adding as many keywords as possible based on the popular search queries of people, as well as on-page & off-page optimization is highly required in the right way.

  • User-friendly website and content:

Making your website user-friendly involves keeping your website simple and easy to use. Your website should be organized and easy to access. not only content is enough to attract the viewers but also graphics, videos, images are highly required along with the content, try to make your website less complicated so that minimal instructions are required for the user to use it.

  • Make customers your priority:

As a start-up, you have your business planned but what is a business without any customers. Think about the needs of the customers first, while planning your digital marketing campaign identify problems and pain points of the customer which you can solve. This will not only promote the growth of your business but it will also make you look reliable and trustworthy.

  • Your visibility is important:

Visibility online means that your website should be easy to find. To increase online visibility you must create more content and optimize your advertisements and target a specific audience. Advertise only to the audience who will be searching for a product or service you offer. Post more on social media and employ email marketing, your visibility will increase. (Source: Forbes)

  • Catchy and engaging content:

Posting good and catchy content regularly can help grab attention to your business. People will want to learn more about your business and industry. The Google algorithm promotes good quality and rich content. Thereby, keep on posting interesting visuals and creative blogs on your site to keep people updated and aware.

 Tips for startups, digital marketing tips, guidance for startups,


  • Google Ads:

Pay per click or cost per click is a part of google ads, when you search something on google, specifically when you search for some product it leads you to many websites which are selling that product, you might have seen Amazon, eBay, Myntra ads on search engine result page (SERP) when you search for something.  So like this, you can lead your customers to your website, by using google ads.

          For e.g: when I search “watches in India” on google, this is the result which I get, here you can see how the advertisements of many e-commerce websites are showing on SERP.

Tips for startups, digital marketing tips, guidance for startups,


  • Use the idea of pop-ups:

Using pop-ups while a viewer land on your page will help you to get their information, make a nice attractive pop-up for the viewers to fill it so that your lead generation will increase, make sure that they will not leave your page without filling their information.

Overall, you need to invest a good amount of digital marketing behind your growing startup which will keep your work in everyone’s eyes, these days to make our place in the market we need to go according to the trend, and today’s time is highly digital and marketing has become digitalize for which you must know a few things of digital marketing.  Though there are many private classes and institutions which are providing the course of advanced digital marketing, where you can learn easily learn the skills and techniques of digital marketing.



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