MBA Equivalent

Post Graduate Program InDigital Marketing & Generative AI

  4.8 Rating | 11 Months | 1000+ Enrollments

Supercharge your career in Digital Marketing with our 8 month Post Graduate Program coupled with a 3 month paid internship

  • Scholarship Deadline: 15th Feb 2024
  • Ranked #1 Digital Marketing Program By Times Of India
MBA Equivalent

Post Graduate Program InDigital Marketing & Generative AI

  4.8 Rating | 11 Months | 1000+ Enrollments

Supercharge your career in Digital Marketing with our 8 month Post Graduate Program coupled with a 3 month paid internship

  • Scholarship Deadline: 15th Feb 2024
  • Ranked #1 Digital Marketing Program By Times Of India

11 Months



Course Enrollments


Placement Assurance*


Hiring Partners

0% EMI

3 Partner Banks

Why Choose Digital Nest ?

ABC – rewrite in 2 lines

   320+ Learning Hours

  1 on 1 Student Mentorship
  Learn Using Advanced LMS

  3 Months Internship

  65+ Assignments
  6 Google & 1 Facebook Certifications
  100% Placements Assurance
  28+ Industry Relevant Skills
  Trainers with 12 + Experience
Backup Classes, Videos
  0% EMI Option Available
Guest Lectures from subject Matter Experts

Education Icon Of Hyderabad

Next Gen

Digital Marketing + AI Curiculum

Top notch and up-to-date curriculum taught by renowned professors and industry experts using videos, case studies, hands-on projects and live sessions

Next Gen

Digital Marketing + AI Curiculum

Top notch and up-to-date curriculum taught by renowned professors and industry experts using videos, case studies, hands-on projects and live sessions

1. Understanding Company And Management
  • Introduction to management
  • Departments present in an organization
  • Explanation about:
    • Human resource management
    • Finance management
    • Production management
    • Finance management
    • Supply chain management
    • E-commerce
    • Inventory management
    • Retail management
    • Marketing management
    • Advertising sales and promotion
    • New department(digital marketing)
  • Digital marketing where is it used? how are each and every departments using digital marketing ?
2. Introduction to Digital Marketing Certification Program
  • What is digital marketing?
  • How is it different from traditional marketing?
  • ROI between Digital and traditional marketing?
  • Discussion on E-Commerce
  • Discussion on new trends and current scenario of the world?
  • Digital marketing a boon or a Bane ?
  • How can digital marketing be a tool of success for companies?
  • Video on importance of digital marketing
  • Analysis of recent info graphics released by companies about digital marketing?
  • How did digital marketing help the small companies and top inc
  • Categorization of digital marketing for the business
  • Diagnosis of the present website and business.
  • Swot analysis of business, present website and media or promotion plan.
  • Setting up vision,mission,and goals of digital marketing
3. Understanding the Website
  • What is a website
  • Types of websites?
  • Layout of websites
  • Website registration
  • Hosting the website practically in the class
  • Integrating the website either static or dynamic
4. Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )
  • Introduction to search engines
  • How search engines works ?
  • Google WebMaster Tool (Search Console)
  • Google Algorithms and Updates (penalities)
  • Business Analysis
  • keyword analysis
  • Web position Analysis
  • Comepetition Analysis
  • On page optimization techniques
  • Off page Optimization techniques
  • Server Side Optimization
  • Black Hat SEO Techniques
  • Report Generation
  • Implementation of SEO on a live project
  • SEO Tools
  • SEO Report card layout and Diagnosis Chart Creation
5. Search Engine Marketing

Introduction to Google Ads

  • History of Google Ads
  • Why Google Ads?
  • Difference between bing ads and google ads
  • Understanding the KPI
  • Benefits of google ads

Setting up Google Ads Account

  • Sign up Process
  • Billing setting
  • User account creation
  • User Access Levels
  • Setting up Campaigns

Campaign Structure

  • Types of Campaigns
  • How to fit the right campaign to the business Objective
  • Location Setting
  • Language Setting
  • Ad rotation
  • Experiments
  • Daily budget selection
  • Ad scheduling

Adgroup Set up

  • What is Ad Group?
  • How to set up Ad Groups
  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Match Types
  • Broad Match
  • Broad Match Modifier
  • Phrase Match
  • Exact Match
  • Negative Match
  • Keyword Planner Tool

Ads Set up Setting up Google Ads Different types of Ads

  • Expanded Ad Format
  • Responsive Ad Format
  • Call Only Ad
  • Structure of Ads
  • Writing the Ad Copy
  • URL Options
  • Mobile URL Option
  • Google Ads Guidelines

Auction Process

  • How google ads auction occur?
  • Metrics of google ads
  • Ad rank calculation
  • Quality score
  • Quality score calculation
  • Factors affecting Quality score
  • What is Actual CTR
  • How is it calculated?

Ad Extensions

  • Sitelinks Extension
  • Callout Extension
  • Structured Snippet
  • Call Extension
  • Message Extension
  • Location Extension
  • Affiliate Location Extension
  • Price & Promotion Extension
  • App Extension
  • Automated Extensions

Conversion Tracking

  • What is Conversion?
  • Types of Conversions
  • Website Conversion
  • Live Practical integration of conversion tracking
  • App Conversion
  • Call Conversion
  • Offline tracking ( Import )
  • Implementation Conversion Tracking
  • Dynamic Conversion Tracking ( Ecommerce Sites )

Search Ads Campaign

  • What are Search ads Ads?
  • Objectives of search Campaign
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Budget Settings
  • Automated Targeting
  • Creating Custom Ads
  • Writing awesome headlines
  • Integrating Ad extensions
  • Fitting right keywords

Display Ads Campaign

  • What are Display Ads?
  • Type of Display ads
  • Objectives of Display Campaign
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Budget Settings
  • Audience Targeting Methods
  • Demographic Targeting
  • Content-based Targeting
  • Automated Targeting
  • Types of Ad Formats
  • Creating Custom Ads

Gmail Ads

  • Creating a Gmail Ads Campaign
  • Targeting based on keywords, remarking etc
  • Gmail Ads measurement
  • Tracking Gmail ads

Video Ads Campaigns

  • What are Display Ads?
  • Type of Display ads
  • Objectives of Display Campaign
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Budget Settings
  • Audience Targeting Methods
  • Demographic Targeting
  • Content-based Targeting
  • Automated Targeting
  • Types of Ad Formats
  • Creating Custom Ads
  • Why video marketing?
  • Creating Video Campaigns
  • Instream Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • Bumper ads
  • Ad sequence Ads
  • YouTube Targeting options
  • Age/gender/ Affinity Audience/keywords/topics/placements
  • Remarketing lists
  • Bidding Types
  • Type of YouTube Ads
  • Creating a YouTube Ad
  • Reporting and Analysis

Shopping Ads Campaign

  • What are Shopping ads?
  • Shopping Campaign Setup
  • Google Merchant Centre set up.
  • Datafeed Setup
  • Types of Datafeed
  • Datafeed Properties
  • Adgroups and Product groups
  • Activating merchant center
  • Integrating Merchant center to google Ads accounts

Remarketing Campaign

  • What is Remarketing?
  • How to build audience list?
  • How to do segmentation of lists?
  • Types of Remarketing Audience
  • Dynamic Remarketing set up ( Ecommerce Sites )
  • Website audience
  • App Audience
  • Customer List
  • Various types of customer Lists
  • Custom Remarketing List
  • Creating Remarketing Campaign
  • Measuring Results of Campaign

Mobile Marketing Campaign

  • Importance of Mobile Marketing
  • Types of Mobile marketing campaigns
  • Creating Universal app campaign
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Location & Budget settings
  • Ad Setup
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Reports

Google Ads Certification

  • How to take up test
  • Eligibility rules
  • Duration of each test
  • Different types of Google Ads examinations
  • Search
  • Display
  • Mobile
  • Video
  • Fundamentals
  • Sample Google Ads question and answer guide
  • How to get google Partner Badge

Assignment & Assessment

  • 3 Assignments
  • 2 tests
6. E-Mail Marketing
  • How Email Marketing Works?
  • Types of mails
  • What to write
  • how to write
  • when to send
  • Tools used in Email Marketing
  • how to measure
  • What is opt in what is double optin
  • list creation
  • List Management
  • Auto responders
  • Email marketing report generation and its Metrics
7. Social Media Marketing
  • Introduction to Social Media Marketing
  • Advanced Facebook Marketing
  • WordPress blog creation
  • Twitter marketing
  • Linkedin Marketing
  • Google plus marketing
  • Pinterest
  • Social Media Analytical Tools

YouTube Marketing

  • What is Video Marketing
  • Statistics of Video Marketing
  • Creating a YouTube Channel
  • Customizing the YouTube Channel
  • Create a video marketing strategy
  • Viral video examples
  • Types of Video Posts
  • How to create YouTube Videos
  • How to Rank YouTube Videos on top
  • Custom settings in videos
  • YouTube Engagement Metrics
  • Increasing Subscribers
  • End Screens & Cards
  • How to use Playlists
  • Understanding copyrights and spam
  • YouTube Creator Studio
  • In-depth Statistics Analysis
  • YouTube Tools & Plugins

Instagram Marketing

  • How Brands use Instagram
  • Creating an Instagram Account
  • Tour of Instagram App
  • Content strategy for Instagram
  • Story vs Instagram Post
  • How to use Stories?
  • How to use Hashtags?
  • Tools used for finding trending hashtags
  • Tools used for Influencer Marketing
  • What is IG TV?
  • How to use IG TV?
  • Instagram Ads
  • Objectives of Instagram Ads
  • Reports & Analysis

Pinterest Marketing

  • What is Pinterest?
  • Why Pinterest is used for marketing>
  • Creating a Pinterest Account
  • Customizing the Profile
  • Pinterest Pins Strategy
  • Boards on Pinterest
  • How to Create Pins
  • Pinterest Plugins
  • Generating Engagements
  • Importance of Pinterest
  • Integrating Pinterest in Site
  • Engagement Metrics for Pins
  • Pinterest Analytics
  • Pinterest Ads

Quora Marketing

  • Introduction to Quora
  • Benefits of Quora Marketing
  • Creating Personal Quora Account
  • Profile Setup
  • Following Topics
  • Writing Answers on Quora
  • How to Engage with Users
  • Quora Engagement Metrics
  • Quora Analytics
  • Creating Quora Business Page
  • Answering questions
  • Quora advertising
  • Types of Quora Campaigns
  • Reports & Analysis
8. Content Marketing
  • Types of Content marketing practices in Digital marketing
  • How to implement Content marketing
  • How to measure content marketing
    9. Affiliate Marketing
    • What is Affiliate marketing
    • Components of Affiliate Marketing
    • How Affiliate Marketing Works
    • How to become a merchant
    • How to become a Publisher
    • Costing techniques
    • Product Allocation
    • Affiliate marketing types
    • Affiliate marketing tools
    • Google Adsense account set up
    10. Influencer Marketing
    • Tools used for finding right influencers
    • Finding viral posts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube
    • Finding right Facebook groups with more than 10 lakh members
    11. Inbound Marketing
    • Landing Page Designing
    • Landing Page Architecture
    • Landing Page tools
    • Integrating CRM with landing Page
    • Workflow Automation in CRM
    • Importance of POP ups
    • Types of pop ups
    • Importance of Push Notifications
    • Fancy Widgets For Lead Generation
    • Chat Box & Chat Bots Configuration
    12. Lead Generation & Lead Nurturing

    • Webinars
    • Quiz
    • eBooks
    • Surveys
    • Contests
    • Infographics
    • Freebies & Discounts
    • Lead Ads on LinkedIn & Facebook
    • Emails with CTA for Lead Generation
    • Content Marketing
    • PPC Ads
    • Display Ads
    • Gmail ADs
    13. Lead Nurturing
    • Remarketing Display Ads
    • Remarketing Video Ads
    • Email Marketing
    • CRM Integration
    • Workflow Automation
    • SMS Marketing
    • Push notifications
    14. Mobile Marketing
    • What is digital marketing?
    • How is it different from traditional marketing?
    • ROI between Digital and traditional marketing?
    • Discussion on E-Commerce
    • Discussion on new trends and current scenario of the world?
    • Digital marketing a boon or a Bane?
    • How can digital marketing be a tool of success for companies?
    • Video on importance of digital marketing
    • Analysis of recent info graphics released by companies about digital marketing?
    • How did digital marketing help the small companies and top inc
    • Categorization of digital marketing for the business
    • Diagnosis of the present website and business.
    • Swot analysis of business, present website and media or promotion plan.
    • Setting up vision,mission,and goals of digital marketing
    15. CRM & Cloud
    • Study on various CRM tools
    • Zoho vs Sugar CRM vs Lead squared Vs Sales force Vs fresh desk
    • Digital Marketing integration with CRM
    • Drip Campaigns
    • Lead Field creation
    • Lead Automation rules
    • Lead Form creation
    • Lead Form Integration with Landing Pages
    • Using Various Connectors
    • Lead Scoring
    • Lead Nurturing
    • Lead rotation
    • Lead Distribution
    • Different types of Cloud Telephony Software’s
    • Exotel vs Knowlarity
    • IVR Set up
    • IVR integration with CRM
    • Parallel vs Sequence vs Round Robin
    • Chat Box or chat box integration with CRM
    • Email and SMS Configuration for automation’s
    • Work flow Automation rules
    16. Digital Marketing Tools
    • Discussion on What tool to use for the right channels Website tool kit ( SEO plugins, speed optimization plugins, themes, pop ups, widget bars, chat box etc) Seo Tools
      • Keyword research tools
      • Back link checking tools
      • On page optimization tools
      • keyword position analysis tools
      • Plagiarism checking tools
      • Search console
      • Speed checkers
      • GT Metrix
      • Google analytics
      • SEM tools
      • Twitter tools
      • #hash tag research tools
      • Tweet trend analysis
      • Twitter Influencer Marketing
      • Instagram Marketing tools
      • YouTube marketing tools to find the right keywords
      • YouTube marketing tools to find the right videos and channels
      • Social media automation tools
      • Email Marketing tools
      • Affiliate Marketing tools
    17. Web Analytics
    • Introduction to Google Analytics
    • Different types of analytical Tools
    • Report generation
    • Conversion tracking setup
    18. Social Media Listening
    • Social media Listening tools
    • How brands are benefitted using social media listening tools
    • Case study : Tata Sky vs videocon DTH , BJP VS congress Airtel vs jio zomato vs swiggy
    • Social media listening for sentiment analysis
    • Social media Listening for market segmentation
    • Social media Listening for customer relationship management
    • Social media listening for demand and supply forecasting
    19. Customer Acquisition And Retention Techniques
    • How to use Digital Marketing to get Good Customer Acquisition
    • Customer Retention techniques in Digital Marketing
    • Modules involved in rotating the customer and transforming a stranger into customer , and customer into a marketer!
    • SMS Marketing
    • Email Marketing
    • Social Media Marketing
    20. Digital Marketing , Ad Design & Automation Tools
    • Digital Marketing Automation Tools
    • Importance of automation tools
    • Ad Design Concepts
    • Ad designing Tools
    21. Online Reputation Management
    • Importance of ORM in Digital Marketing
    • ORM tools and Techniques
    22. Master Stroke by Sandeep
    • Building Digital Marketing Strategy from scratch
    • Complete Recap of Digital Marketing
    • Defining KPI’s
    • Defining Audience
    • Segmentation of audience
    • Mapping Modules to the Conversion funnel
    • Designing Lead generation strategy
    • UI & UX metrics
    • Landing page Designing
    • Speed
    • Compatibility
    • URL structure
    • Content
    • Code Setup
    • A/B testing
    • Setting pixels
    • Rotating the funnel
    • Acquisition and retention models
    • Google Analytics set up
    • Facebook Ads set up
    • Google Ads set up
    • Automation’s Set up
    • SMS API Integration model
    • Campaigns set up based on business requirement
    • Email API Integration
    • Remarketing
    • Dynamic Remarketing
    • Conversion tracking
    • Offline Tracking set up
    • Connecting Affiliate Links
    • Building Social Media Pages
    • Building smart campaigns based on the KPI’s
    • Art of curating content
    • Content Marketing
    • Inbound Marketing
    • Funnel based marketing
    • Sales funnel implementation
    • Blogging for Business
    • Ebooks, Webinar and freebies strategy
    • Coupons & Links Integration
    • 3rd Party Affiliate Integration
    • Reporting based on funnel
    • Experimental Marketing
    • Custom variables
    • Cohort Analysis
    • Events and custom variables tracking
    • Visual Merchandising
    • Connecting offline audience to online channels
    • Connecting online audience to Offline channels
    • When should a company ignore SEO and Work on Inbound and funnel based Marketing.
    • 360 degree rotation for maximum visibility and conversions

    Confused about this Program?

    Watch a Recorded Master Class and learn more about Digital Marketing Program

    Earn 21

    Certifications & Badges

    Boost your Career by adding 21 + Certifications on your resume from Global certifying partners like Google, Meta, Hubspot,etc.

    Disclaimer : One should qualify in the assessment conducted by the certifying partners

    Get individual certificates for every module from Digital Nest and get a final copy of profiencieny certificate

    Get individual certificates for every module from Digital Nest and get a final copy of profiencieny certificate

    Get 30%+ Salary Hike

    Post Graduate Programme In Digital Marketing will help in career transitions with better hike

    Digital Nest Advantage

    Have a Great Journey of Learning at Digital Nest

    Our Courses are taught by Real time Industry Experts with latest teaching tools and techniques ,Our LMS and dedicated Support manager are Key Important aspects that make learning easy and simple.

    Interactive Learning

    All the Courses taught by us are Interactive , with Limited strength in a batch we make sure that you get the best experience

    Dedicated Placement Officer & Job Portal

    We conduct Mock Interviews and Screen CV’s to make you industry ready. We have a unique job portal disclosing all the job listings posted by the recruiter 

    Network with Alumni

    Digital Nest has over 6000+ alumnus working with various Organizations. We have a Networking app to connect with the alumni as well

    Dedicated Program Manager

    We have a dedicated Program Manager who will Constantly take feedback, for the Students to have a better learning experience

    World Class Learning Management System

    Digital Nest has built a Software for students to learn using LMS. Students can download material and freely access all the  live and Recorded sessions with no hassle

    Case Studies, Material , Assignments & Assessments

    All our courses are not just Theoretical, We teach using Practical methods such as  Simulation Exercises, Projects, Assessments etc

    Tools You Will Master

    Advanced digital marketing tools used by digital marketing experts

    Master 100+ 

    Powerful Digital Marketing Tools

    Learn Digital Marketing Program by working on cutting edge tools used by experts in real-time. Gain hands on experience by working on tools that transform strategies and measurable results.

    Admission Process

    The admission process for Post Graduation Program In Digital Marketing can be completed in 4 easy steps detailed below.

    • Eligibility: A Bachelor's Degree with an average of 50% marks or equivalent
    Step 1

    Submit Application

    Fill the application with education and work experience. Our admissions team will review and get in touch

    Step 2

    Apply For Scholarship

    Upon qualifying for scholarship, you will receieve an email with scholarship amount and admission form

    Step 3

    Personal Interview

    Based on the scholarship form, our team will take a personal interview after which you will receive an admission letter

    Step 4

    Reserve Your Seat

    Block your seat by paying Rs.20,000/- by the date mentioned on your admission letter and start your program

    Get PGP in Digital Marketing Certification From JainX

    Become a certified Digital Marketing Professional and learn one of employer’s most requested skills of 2024

     Course Curriculum has been produced keeping in mind current industry standards and is constantly prone to alterations with the latest progressions in the subject.

    Program Fee

    Starting at

    INR 6,776/ Month

    Totally INR 2,34,000/-

    View EMI Plans

    Loan Amount: ₹ 2,54,000 (Incl. of taxes)

    Admission Fees (payable on enrolment): ₹ 20,000/-

    Tenure (Monthly) Processing Fee EMI
    24 2% 6776
    15 2% 13600
    12 2% 17000
    10 2% 20400
    7 2% 29000


    1. A processing fee will be charged on the basis of the payment method selected.
    2. Scholarships upto ₹ 55,000 are available, please contact your learning consultant for more details
    3. The amounts mentioned above are inclusive of GST
    4. Rate of interest for Standard EMI Plans is mentioned as per the 12 Months Reducing Rate per annum. The final EMI amount & rate of interest will reflect in the agreement of the credit facility provider.

    Total Fee Payment

    ₹ 2,34,000/- (Incl. of taxes)

    Admission Fees (payable on enrolment): ₹ 20,000/-

    Education Loan Partners

    Program Benefits

    • Only Company in India offering 250+ hours of Content
    • 100% Placement Assurance
    • Get Bonus tools worth Rs.2,00,000/- for free
    • Get Scholarships upto Rs.55,000/-
    • Dedicated Career Assistance team
    • Get trained from Industry Experts
    • Get 21+ Certifications from Global Certifying Partners !

    Other Payment Options

    100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee!

    Get 100% money back incase you’re not getting placed
    with one of our placement partner within 6 months after successful completion of the program 

    Sandeep Santhosham, CEO

    100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee!

    Get 100% money back incase you’re not getting placed
    with one of our placement partner within 6 months after successful completion of the program 

    Sandeep Santhosham, CEO

    Get Scholarship

    UPTO Rs. 55,000/-


    Get Tools Worth

    Rs. 2,00,000/-

    View Tools

    Why Choose Digital Nest


    Alumni Testimonials

    Rated Avg 4.5*  Out Of 5 by 2000+ Learners

    I was working as a software engineer I was passionate about marketing while I was searching for courses I have landed at Digital Nest , Today I am proud to say I have started my own agency. The instructors here are awesome. I would highly recommened any one who is intersted to join digital nest .

    Nidhi Pandey | Digital Marketing Trainee

    Team Lead , Tech Mahindra

    In one word i would say ” Sandeep is Magnificent” excellent training , he goes through each and every topic in detail and always availble to clarify our doubts . If you want to make career in digital marketing then go for Digital Nest ! No looking back you will rock

    Harry | Digital Marketing Trainee

    Branding Manager, Century Mattress



    Get details In your Inbox and a call back from our course consultants

    MBA In Digital Marketing Curriculum

    Post Graduate Programme In Digital Marketing syllabus is designed by Subject Matter Experts and Business Owners

    Students turned into Business Owners

    Our Students Hail From

    Students , Working Professionals & Business Owners From Various Start Ups And MNC’s

    Chat With Our Admissions Team

    We are online right now! Ask us anything.


    PGPDM Details


    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      What is the Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing?

      Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing is a 11 month course curated for working professionals and freshers to gain deep knowledge and build a career in Digital Marketing

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      What is the eligibility criteria for this program?

      Eligibility 1
      Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3/4) or equivalent qualification in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum 55% score.


      Eligibility 2
      Students who have appeared for their final year degree examination can also apply, however, their admission will be provisional and will be confirmed only after producing the results.

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Will I get any certificate after completion of the program?

      You will be granted Post Graduate Program In Digital Marketing Certificate from Jain University, Bangalore.

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      What is the duration of this program?

      Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing is a 11 months course with 10+ hours of training per week. Classes will be held from Monday-Thursday

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Will there be placements at the end of the program?

      We will be providing placement assurance upon successful completion of the course. We have a job portal specially designed for placements. Candidates will be shown job openings in MNC’s and Startup’s for the roles such as Digital Marketing Lead, Digital Marketing Analyst, Digital Marketing Executive, Social Media Marketing Manager, Social Media Marketing Head, Project Manager, Digital Marketing Manager, PPC Analyst, Inbound Marketing Manager, Inbound Marketing Lead, Copy Writer, Content Writer, Blogging Specialist, Email Marketing Lead, SEO Specialist, Analytics Manager, Lead Generation Expert, SEO Analyst

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Will I get any real-time projects from the program?

      Yes, you will be provided with a 3 month internship by Digital Nest

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Will I be evaluated during the program?

      There will be continuous evaluation throughout the course. Evaluation will be done through assignments, quizzes, case studies, projects, etc

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Who will be the faculty for this program?

      in Digital Marketing Post graduate Program you will be Mentored by CEO’s and CMO’s from top- notch companies, Guest lecturers from high ranked B schools, Senior managers from Multi national companies


    PGPDM Guidance & Support


    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Will I get any career guidance after the course?

      Mentoring and guidance from Industry leading experts & trainers in Digital Marketing will be given on how to build a resume. Career counselling will be given to find out the best career paths in Digital Marketing. Interview preparation like mock interview sessions will be given to you during the end of the course.

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      How will my doubts be cleared?

      The Digital Marketing trainer will be physically present during the class, where doubts can be cleared during the session. Doubt clearing sessions will also be held every week.

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Will I get any back up classes if I miss any session?

      We have a unique Learning Management System where every candidate can check the back-up classes if they miss out on any session. You can also check the assignments, materials and links in the app.

    PGPDM Admission Process & Fee Related Queries


    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      What is the Admission Process for this program?

      Step 1: Application submission
      Check your eligibility, pay the fees for the Digital Nest Admissions Test, and fill in the application form in detail and take the Admissions Test. The test is designed to assess creativity, aptitude, communication, acumen, general knowledge to gauge the applicant’s vision & interest in Digital Marketing.

      Step 2: Application review
      All applications are thoroughly reviewed by the admissions committee. Shortlisted students will be called for a personal interview during which they can present their portfolios.

      Step 3: Personal Interview
      Each shortlisted applicant will be personally interviewed by the admissions committee. Qualified applicants will receive a letter confirming the admission to the Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Should I have any minimum percentage to get enrolled in this program?

      Applicants should have minimum 55% aggregate from a recognized University.

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      What is the fee structure for this program?

      Application Fee : INR 1,000 /-

      Admission Fee : INR 20,000/-

      Tuition Fee : INR 1,00,000/-

      Examination & Certification  Fee: INR 30,000/-

      Total Fee :

      Post Graduate Programme in Digital Marketing: INR 1,50,000 + Taxes
      No cost EMI’s available from Rs. 6,999/month

      Education Loan :  Education Loan In Partnership with Propelled 

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Can I pay through Credit Card EMI?

      Yes, our payment gateway partner is Razopray, All the leading banks can avail the credit card EMI option with no hassle

    • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
      Is there any refund policy for this program?

      Yes we do, Please refer the link below for more details on the same

      Refund And Cancellation Policy

    Call Now