Refer Friends and

Earn up to Rs. 10,000

for every sign up!

You can earn a bonus up to Rs. 10, 000 for each friend you refer who signs up and receives a smooth discount in return.

Refer Friends and

Earn up to Rs. 10,000

for every sign up!

You can earn a bonus up to Rs. 10, 000 for each friend you refer who signs up and receives a smooth discount in return.

How it works in 3 steps

Spread the word about Digital Nest
Programs and refer friends/family/workmates
to join us

Friend mentions your name as
referral during enrollment.

You earn a bonus up to Rs. 10,000
based on the course referred.

How it works in 3 steps

Spread the word about Digital Nest Programs and refer friends, family or workmates to join us

Friend mentions your name as referral during enrollment.

You earn a bonus up to Rs.10,000 based on the course referred.

Benefits for the referrer and the referee

  • Referral bonus up to Rs. 10,000 when
    your friend enrolls.
  • Amount credited to your account as
    soon as your friend makes the
    complete payment.


  • Referees get a 5% instant discount on
    enrolment on their first course.
  • Friends can earn the same referral
    bonus of up to Rs. 10, 000 for further

Benefits for the referrer and the referee


  • Referral bonus up to Rs. 10,000 when your friend enrolls.
  • Amount credited to your account as soon as your friend makes the complete payment.


  • Referees get a 5% instant discount on enrolment on their first course.
  • Friends can earn the same referral bonus of up to Rs.10,000 for further referal.

Course-Wise Rewards Plan


PG Program in Digital Marketing
Certified Digital Marketing Professional Program (CDP)
Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Graphic Designing Course
On the Job Training

Referral Benefits

INR 10,000
INR 5,000
INR 1000
INR 1500
INR 15000

Refer Your Friends


PG Program in Digital Marketing
Certified Digital Marketing Professional Program (CDP)
Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Graphic Designing Course
On the Job Training

Referral Benefits

INR 10,000
INR 5,000
INR 1000
INR 1500
INR 15000

Refer Your Friends

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