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Archive - June 2016
How to Do SEO Audit in 20 minutes for a Website
Search Engine optimisation is a Digital Marketing technique where is we use various Various SEO techniques to list our business top in the Google/ Bing Search Results. But due its complexity in implementation we should consider various aspects on a...
What is the Difference between Internet Marketing and Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing Means Promoting a product, Person, information or event on Digital Media Platforms like, TV,Radio and Internet . Digital Marketing techniques are listed below!! (TV + RADIO + INTERNET ) TV Promotions Radio Promotions SEO (Search...
Different Types of Biddings techniques in Google Ads
There are Different types of bidding models in google : CPC: Cost per click this bid type will work only if the customer clicks on your ad , for example you are ready to invest Rs.60/- per click and you had won the bid then Google would Charge Rs...